In just a few days, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Dick Durbin are expected to unveil a massive new gun control bill in the Senate, deceivingly named the ‘Violence Against Women Act’ (VAWA.) But they won’t be doing this alone. Feinstein and Durbin have convinced...
Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) has just filed Stand-Your-Ground law in the United States Congress, and now he needs our help! Everyone remembers the 2020 ‘Summer of Violence,’ as violent mobs rioted, looted, burned, and shot their way across America, only to get a...
Everyone remembers the George Soros-funded ‘Summer of Violence’ that rocked American cities from coast to coast in 2020 and lead to over a half-billion dollars’ worth of destroyed property, and the murder of dozens of innocent American citizens. The police, who were...
Congress and our Wisconsin General Assembly will be kicking off their 2022 session in just a couple of days, which is why our team has been working around the clock to finalize our battle plans for the upcoming year — and the budget we need to be effective. I...
Gun owners fought hard to crush Joe Biden’s war on gun owners in 2021. And with the midterm elections less than a year away, some gun owners were starting to believe that we may be able to hold the line on the Second Amendment through the midterms. But that was BEFORE...