There are just four hours remaining in the 2nd quarter and the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition till hasn’t met our critical fundraising goal! If we don’t close this budget gap, it will embolden gun grabbers here in Madison and in D.C. and they will know that after the...
Nancy Pelosi knows she’s likely months away from losing control of Congress. That’s why, after just passing the biggest expansion of gun control in the last 30 years, Pelosi is going for it all with passage of an “Assault Weapons Ban” bill that will OUTLAW over 200...
For the last six weeks, we’ve been working to stop the biggest attack on our Second Amendment freedoms since the 1994 ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ -– but even that fight was small in comparison. The threats we are facing right now carry massive implications. A national ‘Red...
3,151,500 rounds of pistol ammo. Over 350,000 rounds of shotgun ammo. Almost 1.5 million rounds of rifle ammo. In just the last few months, the Internal Revenue Service has bought almost 5,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition — spending almost $700,000 in the...
Late last night, the Senate voted to pass S. 2938, the massive gun control bill that was introduced just a few days ago. Fifteen RINO voted to approve this legislation even though it takes a sledgehammer to our right to keep and bear arms! Of course, the RINO...