In the wake of the Louisville and Nashville shootings, pressure is mounting in Congress over Joe Biden’s ‘Assault Weapons Ban!’
As we told you last week, Biden is only nine votes short of passing this legislation in the House. And in the Senate, the math gets even tighter.
If Biden and the Radical Left are able to convince ANY more RINO-Republicans to join him, he’ll have the votes he needs to pass this bill!
Insiders are telling us that after they stabbed gun owners in the back by voting for Biden’s ‘Red Flag’ bill last year, Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson are being pressured to join RINOs like Brian Fitzpatrick and do it again!
And frankly, with this battle raging, the silence of Wisconsin’s House members isn’t very reassuring, either.
That’s why WIFC is out with this digital ad, urging gun owners to FLOOD our Congressional delegation with calls against this bill! The ad is titled ‘Control!’ Watch it here or click below!
WIFC members are well aware of the impact of a fully implemented ban on our AR-15s and similar firearms…it would end in tyranny.
But we MUST get other gun owners involved in this fight! That’s why we are trying to raise $15,000 to get this ad seen by hundreds of thousands of gun owners over the next three weeks!
America is the freest country on earth for one reason: ‘We the People’ are well armed as a final check against tyranny.
But if we lose that, and Biden can ban AR-15s and our magazines, America will quickly fall into the same category as every other nation where only the government (and criminals) are armed.
We can’t let that happen.
For Freedom,
Ben Dorr
Political Director
Wisconsin Firearms Coalition