Top Three Threats We Are Facing in Congress…

Top Three Threats We Are Facing in Congress…

The last few weeks have been intense. Our Tyrant-in-Chief is demanding that we agree to surrender the firearms that have kept America free for generations. And his allies in Congress are sponsoring new gun control bills daily. There is a lot of noise, and it can be...
Our Deadline is Approaching!

Our Deadline is Approaching!

The end of the 2nd Quarter of 2023 is almost here and we’re up against some critical deadlines for our operations and our future fights on behalf of the Second Amendment in Madison. And that’s why I am writing to you today. After a lengthy meeting with our...
Major Decision from the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals!

Major Decision from the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals!

The fight for gun rights is changing, for the better. Since the Supreme Court’s Heller and McDonald decision in 2008 and 2010, the fight for gun rights in red states revolved around Shall Issue, Constitutional Carry, and Stand-Your-Ground law. Throughout this time,...
MATT GAETZ leads revolt in Congress

MATT GAETZ leads revolt in Congress

Your grassroots pressure is working . . .  Yesterday, eleven courageous Republicans REVOLTED on the House floor against Kevin McCarthy, banding together to block ALL future legislation unless Congressman Andrew Clyde’s pistol brace ban repeal (H.J. Res. 44) is...
PISTOL BRACES: We’re Suing Joe Biden!

PISTOL BRACES: We’re Suing Joe Biden!

The Wisconsin Firearms Coalition will be dragging Joe Biden and the ATF into court as soon as we can — and I hope you’ll help us do it! Thanks to non-stop grassroots pressure from gun owners like you, almost every single gun control bill Biden has pushed in...