Weary from trying their best to destroy this great country for the last nine months, the Congress is on recess at the moment, but they are set to go back into session in less than two weeks! Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer use these recesses to select their legislative...
It was the deadliest terror attack in world history, and it happened right here on our shores. Do you remember where you were? I remember where I was, and exactly what I was doing 20 years ago today. As we Americans pause today to memorialize the tragedy of September...
Less than a month ago, when ‘China Joe’ Biden humiliated himself in front of the world and surrendered Afghanistan back to the Taliban, he did so before he got the Americans out to safety. More than that, China Joe Biden handed over $85,000,000,000 worth of American...
If you thought that Joe Biden was no longer a threat — that his disastrous handling of Afghanistan would make him take a step back and question his sanity — I have some bad news for you. Joe Biden’s State Department just returned from a trip to Europe...
The Second Amendment Preservation Act, better known as SAPA, is sweeping the nation! Our sister organization in Missouri, the Missouri Firearms Coalition, just passed the strongest SAPA bill in America and states all around us are poised to do the same. Minnesota,...