All Eyes on Virginia TOMORROW!

All Eyes on Virginia TOMORROW!

Ever since the radical left flipped the House of Delegates and the State Senate in 2019, Virginia has been hit with wave after wave of the worst gun control legislation you can imagine. In two years’ time Virginia enacted ‘Red Flag’ laws, a statewide gun registry, a...
Gun Control Hearings Happening NOW!

Gun Control Hearings Happening NOW!

As I write this, the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition’s team is representing YOU at a major gun control hearing in the U.S. House Judiciary Committee on “Red Flag Gun Confiscation” legislation. Here are the details: Communist tyrant Jerry Nadler is fighting tooth and nail...
Alert: Nasty Gun Control Bill (H.R. 4953) Assigned to Committee!

Alert: Nasty Gun Control Bill (H.R. 4953) Assigned to Committee!

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer know that they are on a clock. The 2022 midterms are just over a year away and all indications are that they are going to be BRUTAL on Joe Biden’s America-hating sickos — likely costing the Left their majorities. If they are going...


You’ve heard the phrase “The best defense is a good offense” and it’s never been more true than in the fight for the Second Amendment! That’s why I wanted to make sure you heard that pro-gun rock star Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene...
Breaking: Dianne Feinstein Files Federal Red Flag Law!

Breaking: Dianne Feinstein Files Federal Red Flag Law!

Dianne Feinstein. The mere mention of this gnarled-handed, nasty old hag’s name is enough to generate an immediate gag reflex in the mind of most freedom-loving Americans, and especially gun owners. Feinstein hates gun owners like you and me, and, even though she’s 88...
Alert: Nasty Gun Control Bill (H.R. 4953) Assigned to Committee!

Running Towards the Gunfire Unarmed and Helpless!

Last week saw another shooting in a dangerous ‘Gun Free Zone,’ this time at a high school in Arlington, Texas. The would-be murderer was a student at the school, who shot three people before fleeing the school like the coward that he is. He later gave himself up to...