SAPA Can Stop Joe Biden!

SAPA Can Stop Joe Biden!

In just a couple of months, Wisconsin troopers, deputies, and municipal police officers may be tasked with enforcing the first wave of gun control coming out of the Biden White House. The ATF’s proposed regulatory changes on how they classify pistol braces and ‘80%...
⚠️Massive New Gun Control Bill Filed!⚠️

⚠️Massive New Gun Control Bill Filed!⚠️

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are promising to deliver a major gun control victory to Michael Bloomberg and the gun-control mob  who put them in power last year, before the 2022 midterms. That’s why Pelosi’s allies just filed a massive new gun control bill in D.C., a...
200 More Agents to Enforce Gun Control!

200 More Agents to Enforce Gun Control!

With every passing day, the communists that run our country become the very tyrants our Founders warned us about. You’ve already heard all about psychopath David Chipman, a life-long gun control shill and Joe Biden’s pick to head the ATF. You already know that Chipman...
They Want Wisconsinites Under Their Thumb!

They Want Wisconsinites Under Their Thumb!

Thirty-seven members of the United States Senate want to hit you with felony charges and put you in prison for up to a decade for ‘crimes’ like buying an AR-15 or any magazine that holds over ten rounds of ammo. In fact, when Dianne Feinstein rolled out her ‘Assault...
Drive a Spike Into This Tyrant’s Coffin!

Drive a Spike Into This Tyrant’s Coffin!

Psycho David Chipman’s nomination to run the ATF was supposed to be all but a formality according to Joe Biden’s handlers in D.C. In fact, Biden’s thugs expected Chipman to be confirmed by early June, and for him to be attacking gun owners across America with ATF SWAT...