On behalf of the board of directors, I want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! We mention family often in our emails and direct mail updates to our members and supporters because, after all, that’s the whole point of the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition...
If you haven’t yet done so, will you please take a moment to fill out your online 2020 Membership Renewal form IMMEDIATELY? As you likely read in our previous letter, 2020 will be one of the most important years in Wisconsin state history in the fight for the Second...
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving Day with your family and that you are enjoying your holiday weekend. If you are one of the millions of Americans looking for Black Friday deals today, look no further than the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition for every gun owner on your...
Happy Thanksgiving from the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition! We certainly have much to be thankful for here in Wisconsin, where our gun rights are concerned. In the wake of several high profile mass shootings over the course of 2019, Republican lawmakers from St. Paul,...
The 2020 session of the Wisconsin State Legislature is barreling at us like a freight train, and I must tell you, gun-grabbers in Madison are licking their chops in anticipation. They are convinced that 2020 will be their year to finally pass gun control here in...
I have good news for gun owners in Wisconsin! Yesterday the Assembly and Senate convened for Tony Evers’ special session on gun control. It was a huge day but in the end, the special session came in like a lion and out like a lamb and no gun control was passed!...