State Capitol insiders report to me that in the coming weeks, anti-gun radicals will introduce dangerous ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation here in Wisconsin. ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation would allow judges to order your firearms seized...
Nancy Pelosi is working around the clock to deal a kill shot to our gun rights as she works to pass H.R. 8. This bill would create what the gun-grabbers have always wanted: a national database of every gun and gun owner in the country! This bill already has a whopping...
As we work around the clock to STOP Red Flag Gun Seizures here in Wisconsin, we are also paying close attention to the war against gun owners going on in Washington, D.C. That’s why I’m writing you today, as it appears likely that Congress will be holding hearings...
“State Patrol!” “Open the door now!” Imagine being woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of a SWAT team stacked outside your front door, ready to burst inside your home as they carry out a ‘high risk’ court order to seize your firearms! Before you know it,...
They wasted no time. Yesterday morning I was at the capitol in Madison watching the inauguration speeches as Tony Evers was sworn in as the next Governor of Wisconsin and Josh Kaul was sworn in as the new Attorney General. And, the news is not good at all. Not a...
It all starts tomorrow! The 2019 legislative session starts tomorrow, and our fight to STOP Tony Evers’ attacks on the Second Amendment will be running full steam. We all know that gun control does nothing to reduce crime or save innocent lives. All it does it make it...