Little Marco Introduces Red Flag Gun Seizure Bill!

Little Marco Introduces Red Flag Gun Seizure Bill!

Moments after the U.S. Senate gaveled in on Thursday, Florida Republican Senator Little Marco Rubio introduced Senate Bill 7 — ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscations’. This is the fight we’ve been warning about for months, and now it’s finally here....
Help Us FIGHT For The Second Amendment!

Help Us FIGHT For The Second Amendment!

Everything is on the line now. With Tony Evers becoming Governor Evers, Michael Bloomberg and his allies are chomping at the bit to advance their radical gun control agenda as soon as possible! Combined with the fact that many of our supposed allies in Madison are...
Red Flag Gun Seizures!

Red Flag Gun Seizures!

The 2019 legislative session will be here before you know it, and you and I have to be ready to FIGHT to stop ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure Orders’ from becoming law in Wisconsin. Lawmakers in state after state have been pre-filing this legislation in their efforts to ram...
ELECTION RESULTS: Bloomberg Ready to Carve Up Wisconsin

ELECTION RESULTS: Bloomberg Ready to Carve Up Wisconsin

The results could hardly be worse. By now you’ve heard that Tuesday night, a massive “Blue Wave” hit Wisconsin and the races quickly began to fall. Top of the list to fall was Scott Walker who was edged out at the last moment by radical, anti-gun militant Tony Evers...
Our Backs are Against the Wall

Our Backs are Against the Wall

We’re only days away from the November 6 elections and frankly, it’s “do-or-die” time. Our direct mail, mass email, online ads, radio ads and door-knocking programs are running full tilt but we need your help to keep them going. The fact is, our backs are...
Bloomberg on the Warpath in Wisconsin!

Bloomberg on the Warpath in Wisconsin!

Michael Bloomberg is on the warpath in Wisconsin. As the keynote speaker at a gun control event hosted a while ago, Bloomberg railed against your rights, bragging about “landing punches” and that your Second Amendment rights are “on the ropes”....