The November 6 elections are only 30 days away and I need your help. Recent poll numbers show radical anti-gunners in Wisconsin SURGING forward coming into November! We’ve been worried about this all along. With former President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric...
Left-wing anti-gun sharks all over the country smell political blood in the water here in Wisconsin. Now, even former President Barack Obama’s “Organizing for Action” — an organization which evolved from his campaign operation — has made flipping control...
Any day now, I expect a loud knock at my door. A slick anti-gun government lawyer — armed with trumped-up legal complaints from Michael Bloomberg-backed gun control organizations and their pals in the State Legislature — will be grinning from ear-to-ear as...
“He told me he’s pro-gun, but said he wasn’t going to sign a survey…” This was what one WIFC member told us a few days ago via a Facebook message, after he met with one of two candidates seeking the GOP nomination in his legislative district and asked him to sign his...
“I NEED one of those shirts, my friend just got one in the mail yesterday and said it’s the most comfortable shirt he’s ever had. Send me one!” So said WIFC’s newest member when he called our office yesterday looking to pick up his FREE WIFC T-Shirt and decal. In case...
With the 2018 elections well underway, I wanted you to be the first to know that the 2018 Wisconsin Firearms Coalition candidate surveys are in the mail. In you don’t know what I’m talking about, our survey program is where we get to ask the candidates the tough...