“This is crazy! I never thought I’d live to see so many people in Wisconsin fighting to destroy the Second Amendment. I need to become a member now!” That’s what Steve, from Appleton, told us over the phone last night as many of you have contacted us about the massive...
In the last two hours, the news broke across the state that the Assembly may try to sneak a major gun control agenda item in Governor Walker’s school safety plan! I need you to drop what you’re doing and take immediate action! You see, all session we’ve been battling...
We were promised fireworks on the Senate floor yesterday, and that’s exactly what happened. Gun control was defeated on three separate amendments as gun grabbers tried desperately to ram their radical agenda into our laws! But the fight to stop gun grabbers isn’t over...
“It’s going to be wild.” That was what an insider described to me about the gun grabbers’ plans to push gun control tomorrow on the Senate floor in Madison, on the last day of session. We must ensure that pro-gun members of the Senate stand firm against any...
In the wake of the Florida shooting, the radical gun-grabbers in Washington D.C. are moving as fast as they can to ‘cash in’ in any way they can. That’s exactly what is happening with Senator Feinstein’s newly filed Assault Weapons Ban, a bill that would specifically...
Republican politicians are starting to cave to gun grabbers. It was only a matter of time before the pressure to “do something” got to them. Our insiders tell us gun grabbers are now making a hard push for “Universal Background Checks” and Republicans may be...