Merry Christmas from the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition!

Merry Christmas from the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition!

On behalf of the board of directors, I want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! We mention family often in our emails and direct mail updates to our members and supporters because, after all, that’s the whole point of the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition...
Permits Can Cost Lives!

Permits Can Cost Lives!

Gun grabbers often ask why Constitutional Carry is so important. “What is the big deal about needing a permit to own or carry a gun?” Perhaps they have never needed a gun in a moment’s notice for self-defense. Perhaps they have never heard the story of Carole Brown....
We Need Your Help Next Year!

We Need Your Help Next Year!

I’m a little concerned. I haven’t yet heard back from you regarding your membership in the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition for 2018. If you recently signed up using our last email notification, then please ignore this request as the system will do its weekly update and...
Happy Thanksgiving from the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition!

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving! Where our gun rights are concerned, there is certainly much to be thankful for here in Wisconsin after gun owners were able to finally get the first ever hearing on...