Fight For The 2nd Amendment and Pick Up FREE Gear!

Fight For The 2nd Amendment and Pick Up FREE Gear!

“I NEED one of those shirts, my friend just got one in the mail yesterday and I simply NEED one for an upcoming family event.” So said WIFC’s newest member when he emailed us yesterday looking to pick up his FREE WIFC T-Shirt. In case you forgot, in celebration of...
Fight For The 2nd Amendment and Pick Up FREE Gear!

Over 100 Shot in Chicago!

How many people have to die in Chicago before change is made? When will the gun control crowd realize their experiment has failed? Over 100 people were shot in Chicago over the July 4th holiday and now Wisconsin’s most notorious anti-gun politicians want to bring...
Fight For The 2nd Amendment and Pick Up FREE Gear!

Happy Independence Day From The Wisconsin Firearm Coalition!

Happy Independence Day from the Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition! On this day, 241 years ago, our nation adopted its Declaration of Independence, telling England that we would be a sovereign nation forever more. During the run-up to the 4th of...
Milwaukee Police Chief Blames You!

Milwaukee Police Chief Blames You!

Can you believe what he said? As gun owners, we are used to Bloomberg and anti-gun groups blaming us for criminals running rampant in our big cities. But this has got to be a first! That’s right, just a few days ago Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn blamed...
FBI: Crime Decreasing In Constitutional Carry States!

FBI: Crime Decreasing In Constitutional Carry States!

Even the government and anti-gunners must admit we’re right. Despite all the hand wringing by nanny staters like Michael Bloomberg, crime is actually decreasing in Constitutional Carry states. We all remember the gloom and doom predictions we heard several weeks ago...
Fight For The 2nd Amendment and Pick Up FREE Gear!

The Unhinged Liberal Left!

In the wake of today’s assassination attempt in Washington D.C., gun-control advocates like Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe are already trotting out the predictable demand for more gun control. Never mind the fact that the shooter already had passed a background check...