I’m a little concerned. I haven’t yet heard back from you regarding your membership in the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition for 2018. If you recently signed up using our last email notification, then please ignore this request as the system will do its weekly update and...
“Why do they hate us so much?” That was the question I heard from a concerned citizen at the Capitol last week. It’s a question gun owners ask themselves all the time, as the lies about guns and gun owners continue to pour out of the mouths of late night hosts and...
The stakes couldn’t be higher for Second Amendment supporters here in Wisconsin in 2018. After the recent horrific murders in Las Vegas and Sutherland Texas, the gun-grabbers believe the political winds are blowing their way. BILLIONAIRE anti-gun activists like...
Time is running out for Republicans in Madison to move Constitutional Carry to the next step! The question is, are they going to cave to gun grabbers, or are they going to uphold their promises to defend the 2nd Amendment? That question will be answered in the next...
The time is now for the Wisconsin legislature to take up Constitutional Carry (S.B. 169) before the long winter break. Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun cronies are mobilizing as we speak. It is up to gun owners to put enough pressure on our legislature to push...
It’s been over a week since a madman launched a deadly attack in Las Vegas that killed and wounded hundreds of people. A Wisconsin native and father of 3, who was celebrating his 44th birthday, was amongst the dead. The pictures and videos that have emerged from that...