While Congressional Democrats and more than a few back-stabbing Republicans are working to pass Joe Biden’s ‘National Gun Owner Registry’ (H.R. 8) into law right now, this is just the beginning.
Senator Dianne Feinstein just announced that she will be filing legislation to ban what will likely end up being HUNDREDS OF DIFFERENT STYLES OF SEMI-AUTOMATIC rifles and shotguns in the next two weeks!
Tyrannical thugs like Feinstein want to make felons out of tens of millions of gun owners who own an AR-15, the most popular rifle in America today.
But this legislation will be about much more than AR-15’s.
If it’s anything like the legislation she filed two years ago, Feinstein’s attack will specifically list hundreds of firearms that you could never buy again.
Of course, all magazines that hold over 10 rounds are going to be banned under Feinstein’s proposal, as well.
There are countless reasons why we need to defeat this legislation. The AR-15 is almost never used in crimes, it’s easily handled by women and young people who are learning to shoot, it’s the most customizable rifle in the world, it holds plenty of ammo, and it’s used to stop criminals every single day!
But never fall prey to the idea that we need to provide a reason for owning firearms.
We are Americans! We don’t live in a Euro-trash country, Asia, or some Third-world ghetto where only the government has guns. And it’s our God-given, constitutionally guaranteed right to own an AR-15 or any other firearm that we choose!
Joe Biden and the power-hungry socialists that are running the show in Congress hate the fact that proud Americans like you and me own hundreds of millions of firearms — it makes it harder to ram their tyranny into law.
And that’s all this legislation is about.
Dianne Feinstein wants to subjugate the American people, to destroy this great country, and leave our children in a nation where only the government (and criminals) have guns!
Take a stand now, and sign your petition.
Your petition tells Senators Johnson and Baldwin (along with your Congressman) that gun owners in America are not serfs, we are not slaves, and we will not sit back and allow them to take away our guns!
After you’ve signed your petition, I hope that you will make a donation to help us fight back against this tyrannical power grab because when this bill is filed, it’s going to move fast!
And we’re going to be working to flood Senators Johnson and Baldwin with calls and emails opposing this evil using our massive email program and a combination of digital and radio ads if we can pay for them.
Please help us prepare for this fight!
>>> DONATE $500 TODAY <<<
>>> DONATE $250 TODAY <<<
>>> DONATE $100 TODAY <<<
>>> DONATE $75 TODAY <<<
>>> DONATE $50 TODAY <<<
>>> DONATE $25 TODAY <<<
If the speed of H.R. 8 is any indication, you and I will be dealing with this gun grab very soon. Please take action NOW!
For Wisconsin,

Ben Dorr
Political Director
Wisconsin Firearms Coalition
P. S. America-hating tyrants like Dianne Feinstein and many others will be filing legislation to permanently ban the sale or purchase of HUNDREDS OF SEMI-AUTOMATIC rifles and shotguns any day!
This legislation has one goal: to try to subjugate the American people and turn our great country into a socialist nightmare where only the government (and criminals) have guns!