Yesterday, Constitutional Carry had its first public hearing in the Wisconsin legislature. I was proud to be able to offer testimony on behalf of the members and supporters of the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition — but I have to tell you, the anti-gun lobby was out...
Did you hear the great news? For months gun owners have been anticipating the day when Constitutional Carry would finally get a hearing in Wisconsin. I am happy to announce that next week we finally get the hearing we have been asking for! On Wednesday, May 31st at...
I can’t believe what I am seeing. It was just a few years ago that only five states had Constitutional Carry. The idea that the Second Amendment was your permit to “bear arms” was a novel concept and very few people had heard of the term before — now it is...
The gun grabbers in Madison are joining together to stop Constitutional Carry. We need your help to fight back! More on that below. We knew this was coming. Anti-gun forces are scared of the political tide that has shifted in our direction. That’s why they are working...
The fight for Constitutional Carry is underway here in Madison and anti-gun front-groups, funded by Michael Bloomberg’s billions, are on the attack! Constitutional Carry has now been given an official bill number in the Assembly and will be called Assembly Bill 247...